PRO-LIFELife begins at conception.
Lauren values and appreciates every human life and will stand up for the unborn children, the elderly, and the disabled in their fight for life in Maryland. |
PRO-2AThe Arikans are Lifetime Members of the NRA. Lauren proudly and loudly supports your right to stand up and protect your family from tyranny. She opposes restrictions on gun ownership in the state of Maryland.
PRO-BUSINESSIn 2009, Lauren opened an accounting and tax firm, Arikan Accounting. In 2015, she expanded to staffing and today, Lauren owns and operates Arikan Investments as well. She is also the recipient of the All Star Team Award from the Maryland Retailers Alliance.
Lauren understands the dangers of Sanctuary State policies. They harm the safety of our communities. and spend our taxes without contribution. Sanctuary Policies MUST BE STOPPED! Lauren is a vocal advocate for the highly effective 287(g) program and has pressed Governor Moore to cooperate with ICE.
REOPEN MARYLANDLauren has been a vocal opponent of the lock-downs that have led to massive small business destruction in our state. No industry has seen worse destruction than our restaurant and hospitality industry. Lauren supported the ReOpen Maryland efforts!
CUT TAXESIn working for the Arikan accounting and tax firm, Lauren Arikan understands the impact and burden Maryland families face with high taxes and frivolous fees. She is committed to putting an end to this theft from your family. Lauren was given the Conservative Excellence award at CPAC 2020 by the American Conservative Union Foundation.
COVID-19 has shown us how quickly our government can become tyrannical. The policy decisions made to allegedly curb this virus have utterly failed and have no data to support their effectiveness. Making policy that restricts citizen rights for the sake of appearing as though you are in control is the very definition of tyranny. Mandates of ANY KIND are unacceptable and should not be tolerated by a free people!